Some college students got a chance to ask the very-public President Obama some questions about education and its funding, since things seem to be getting more and more expensive for college.
The response, was overall, very positive.
President Obama proposes expanding national service and students would get an educational stipend.He is also pushing for more direct loans without banks as intermediaries.
"That then allows us to either lower student loan rates, or expand grants. We want to increase the amount of the pell grant so that it catches up with inflation."
Students applying for financial aid at UT Arlington felt encouraged.
Harley Nguyen says, "If they increased the pell grant that would help out a lot."
Erica Horak says, "That's kinda one of the reasons why I'm going back to school because I know that they're increasing financial aid and making it easier for people to go back."
It will be interesting with this lagging economy and several cuts in education just how colleges and universities will fare. What do you think? Do you want to go back to school in these troubling times? And do you think Obama has the right plan for education?